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317 Clarendon Street
South Melbourne
Victoria 3205
Mon-Sat: 10am - 8pm AEST
Sun: 12pm - 8pm AEST
Crimson Red in colour with a maroon hue. A sophisticated mix of fruit and spice aroma’s on the nose. With crushed strawberry, red cherry and pomegranate, element of spice and a touch of earth from the whole bunch inclusion add complexity. The palate displays a lush and layered density of fruit with dark cherry and red berry flavours with plush fruit tannins woven in adding complexity. There is a soft yet bright acid line providing drive and length to wine before the classic fantail finish of a great Yarra Pinot Noir.
I purchased this Oakridge Pinot based on a recommendation from Chris at Cloudwine, and was so impressed that I came back and purchased their rose– both excellent!
A more easy drinking style of Pinot yet its complex, full fruit and a hint of oak. It makes for a great drinking style of pinot yet with all the qualities that you would expect from an Oakridge wine. Leave other similar priced pinots for dead.....
Sells in some places up to $30,which is over priced. At $23.99 about the right price. A nice tasting wine with not much to complain about. Still think the Central Otago NZ Pinots are better value in price and taste. I bought the Cloudwine exploration 6 pack of various pinots and all of these are better than the Oakridge. Hope I haven’t been too picky because the Oakridge is stiil a nice wine.